Corporate Retreats

We have expanded the principles of the PEEL programme to create tailored sessions for businesses and organisations needing to discover and express their true identity.

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Who we have worked with

  • The Salvation Army
  • Google
  • Scouts
  • National Crime Agency
  • Orange
  • House of Lords
  • The Chartered Institute for IT
  • EDF
  • YMCA
  • EE
  • Children's Commisioner
  • Bupa
  • KPMG
  • Lloyd's
  • Crimson Hexagon
  • Barnardo's
A group of people eating at a long table outside. One is standing, serving food for the other from a large serving bowl.
Strategy Retreat

Peel back the layers to reveal what sets your organisation apart. Through dynamic workshops and discussions, we’ll help your leadership team define your brand identity, purpose, and vision. This is an essential first step to refine your strategy, align your team, and shape a focused brief.

Tailored to your organisation’s needs
Discover your true identity
On-site three day workshop
Build key communication skills
In the background, a woman stands by a white van in a field of wheat. She's taking a photo of a man stood in the foreground
Creative Retreat

Uncover individual and collective identity through this unique programme. Led by award-winning photographers and writers, this experience blends creative writing and photography to deepen self-awareness, reveal hidden talents and strengthen team connections.

Discover your true identity
Deepen staff relationships and sense of purpose
Improve mental wellbeing and resilience
Discover hidden talent in creative writing and photography
A woman sits on a large rock overlooking a field with misty mountains in the background, looking down at the screen of a DSLR camera.
Strategy & Creative Retreat

A combination of strategic thinking and creative expression. Led by award-winning facilitators, we’ll peel back the layers of your organisation through focused strategy workshops, creative writing, and photography – leaving your team aligned and inspired.

Tailored to your organisation’s needs
Discover your true identity
Discover hidden talent in creative writing and photography
Build key communication skills
Delivered in partnership with Roam&Wonder
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"I just wanted to say a big thank you for all that you gave to our 3 days away. You went way beyond anything I expected."

Helen Schofield - Major Territorial Youth and Children's Secretary Youth and Children's Ministries Unit
Get in touch
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” "
Dr Suess