2023 PEEL #3 St John's

Maggie Odell

Photography and Poem By Pam Gaggioli
Maggie Odell
Maggie Evolving

Life begins over & over again…

Shadows of a loved one’s untimely death
and now, 
glimmering candlelight of a transcendent love
There is peace

Religion professed for students inquiring minds
and now, 
inspiration sought from those once taught
There is accomplishment

Helvetica lectionary words spilling from the pages
and now,  
great grandma’s hand-scribed diary entries
There is fascination

Knowledge gleaned from aged tomes
And now,
Phrases creatively caught and put to paper
There is inspiration
Dull-sensed, rote, employment-based living
and now, 
newfound curiosity freely stitched together 
There is discovery

Living a life with meaning . . .