2023 PEEL #4 St Johns

Kristin Partlo

Photography and Poem By Eric Sponheim
Kristin Partlo

Home feels far away.

It’s never been easy to feel otherwise.
Coming from discord encountered in childhood,
The true experience of home can seem elusive.

On the journey, however, you are 
Homing in the presence of God
Discovering new things everywhere.

You may travel only a mile on a given day
But you sense a ubiquitous presence
The one in whom we live and move and have our being 
Even as the waves of information flow around you.

If the world were to end
You would feel the desolation deeply
Yet would find a way to honor the earth
And the communion of saints watching. 

Could it be the unrenewed earth is not fully our home?
For we are an eternal family
Deeply rooted in a creation longing to be restored.

You feel most at home, perhaps, as a co-creator 
Of a home that feels not far away
But as close as your own heart.