Katie Lewis

Photography and Poem By Shariff Unis Mahmood
Katie Lewis
Alliteration for the nation. 
There she is living outside emigrating the planet
Change tickles the orangutan from he to she.
She love’s icing, but if there wasn’t an animal in sight,
Would she still go to the disco?
Listening, she told me, I say ‘change’
Creators of the word be nice, be humble,
Love him, Elton John, love the dentist, love yourself,
You’re amazing, no rules, no pressure, you’re beautiful.
Imagery doesn’t paint a picture.
Do as your free. Housework she does.
Change. Purple she loves.
She is human.
Norah Jones.
The world would be a better place for she.
Women inspires her work, 
It’s hard – the life she chose.
But what a better place.
Animals she loves, no talk, just love.
Cigarette’s burn in hell as she walks to the disco bye bye old flame
She shouts before destroying the dance floor,
Love respect
What a better place

Listening, she told me, I say ‘change’
Creators of the word be nice, be humble,
Love him, Elton John, love the dentist, love yourself,
You’re amazing, no rules, no pressure, you’re beautiful.
Imagery doesn’t paint a picture.
Do as your free.