2023 PEEL North Minneapolis June 2-4

Markella Smith

Photography and Poem By Heidi Nyquist
Markella Smith
How Fast is Love?

All massless particles travel at the speed of light

But what about Love?

How fast does he travel? 
When will he get here?

Will he hear the wishes 
she whispered to the wind, 
leaving them, 
like breadcrumbs on the path?

Will he feel her warmth 
like a cold traveler 
feels the heat from a stranger’s hearth?

Will he know her days are long 
and her nights are short 
because she’s raising changemakers?
Future Kings?

Will he see all the ways 
she beautifies the ordinary
to build their kingdom?

She wonders

She waits

She deepens her roots into the soil 
and grows new leaves.

She learns answers to questions 
she never even thought to ask.

She adorns herself in crystals 
and moves with the vibrations in the ether.

She cries when laughing,
 and even through tears 
sees more clearly than she’s ever seen before.

One night the moon asked her,
 “What are you most afraid of?”

“Nothing…anymore,” she replied

Every fear, failure and loss became a lesson.

A chance to learn and find herself.

She became the exact person she needed in her life.

Zap!!! Just like that.

She hears footsteps.

“Hello, I’m Love.  Nice to meet you.”